Saturday, August 31, 2019

Off The Newfoundland Coast

     We are already off the coast of Newfoundland getting close to St. John's. The weather today remained cool with the fog horn blasting all night. As the day progressed, we could see the ocean again as the fog disappeared and the temperature warmed. We had a 30 minute time fall back last night which resulted in waking up early this morning. We did have time to have breakfast and get to the morning meditation. We had done this with the same cruise director last year. It is a chance to step back and relax before we started the day. Of course zumba followed the relaxation.
    The photo department filmed an entire video based on the Greenland experience. It was
Up To Skywalkers
shown in the Princess theatre. I assume that it will be used to promote the area in the future as this cruise is already on the books for next year and perhaps the year after. I think that Greenland will be the go to area in the future. We were not able to even begin to find a seat as there was a lecture in there before and people simple stayed. The people who saw it said that there was very little on the ports and heavy on the pilot and captain. We went to our favourite seat and had a tea and a sweet.
    We had the ramen noodles again for lunch followed by the Foxtrot dance class. The count is very much like the 2 step which we need to learn! It was a good class and the teacher was extremely competent. The good instructor made the dance enjoyable. We were in the Club Fusion so we did get a seat for a lecture that was billed “The da Vinci Code”. The lecturer is convinced that he unlocked the secrets of the Mona Lisa painting. The entire hour had little to do with the painting except for the start and the end. He did not do a very good job of explaining his points. He kept saying this theory is a fact. We remained skeptical about the whole “secrets” he revealed. He did make some interesting points about things like the similarities of the pyramid like structures around the world. He absolutely did not believe that aliens were involved. For us that ended the day until our evening.
At Skywalkers
 We made our way to the elite lounge early enough to enjoy the view from deck 17. That was followed by a Princess theatre show with the singer from the other night. Again she sang songs from pop, broad way and opera . All were excellent. It was Italian night in the dinning room. We had pasta with plenty of garlic! After dinner we dropped by the “Rock and Roll Dance Party” and it was basically the same as we had seen in the past. Tomorrow we will tour St. John's but do not have a detailed plan of what we will do other than get a Tim Horton's coffee. The weather should be sunny! This is our last port of call for this cruise.

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