Lazy Day AT Sea |
We are finally able to post to the blog. The internet has not
Me Too |
worked since we left Fort Lauderdale . Perhaps Princess is saving money to fix their other ship that sunk. Althrough we are already in Spain, I decided to try to make up what we have done in a few blogs.
The crossing was great. 8 Days at sea and the ship did not so much as roll a bit. The highest waves that we had were about 4 feet or so - classed as moderate. However we must have been travelling with the waves because there was nothing! Most days and night we had "wavelets" as the reported heights. In fact some days we had to go to the balcony (which we used plenty as we were on sunny side of the ship) to see if we were alongside.
Formal Night |
One interesting thing did happend to the ship - well 2.
Pub Lnch |
The first was that the dredded Norwark hit the ship a few days out and of course that means servers at all food stations and extra precautions all over the place. Yesterday there were 8 new cases so it is still around. This ship was "turned around" 3 weeks ago for an outbreak while in the south. Fortunately Judy and I don't touch anything ( railings, etc) so we are still safe. One of our table mates was sick and just "returned" to service.
The other thing is that the ship lost power in the Atlantic. We were "dead" in the for about an hour but the emergency generators keps the plumbing system working. Someone asked if there were pirates around! Very peaceful in the Atlantic when no one was around. We have had plenty for whale sightings along this course. Probably more than when we were in the Alaska.
Table For 8 |
Our days were full and we only made it for lunch once (sit down that is). They had zoomba at 9 every morning and Judy wanted to go. I went the first day but found it hard. After that it did get easier! So breakfast was delayed until after that but the first lecture was about 15 minutes after that! So a quick breakfast at the International cafe was in order. Then the port lectures started. Just after 11 were the history lectures on explorers from Spain and Portugal. Interesting but a bit dry. That was followed by a series on the history of Spain and Italy. So that hour was taken up. Since line dancing came around noon and we had just eaten, we waited until 1 for the lectures of cruising. Graham (we had heard him before) has written extensively on cruising. He was excellent! He did 2 - 1 hour talks on the Titanic but it was from a personal point of view! Survivors in the lifeboats, rescue stories, etc. He packed them in every day! By the time 2:30 came around we weere already a bit tired. Pub lunches helped with the mid day hungers.
YES Dessert! |
On top of all this were the 6 time changes. Every day an hour! Since we eat late (8:15) and attend the late show we were getting to bed close to 1 am (new time). No wonder we were tired in the afternoon.
Our table mates (Calgary, South Caroline, Tenn) are really great. They are among the best we have ever had. Some nights we are still at the table when everyone else is gone. Everyone get along very well.
Rick and Patti from Florida are along on this trip and we have done plenty together. They like the same things as we do so we saw them at Zoomb the lectures and especially line dancing. Patti is the instructor from Highland Lakes in Florida. We evey found a spot to do some new stuff together. She is an excellent line dance teacher so it is easy to put on music and dance.