Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Moving To Halifax

   We are sailing along up the east coast on our way to Halifax. The schedule had very few things to do. We did Zumba first. The leader was in a full zumba mode and it certainly was not gold level as we have seen on ship before. It was a very a hard work out. Judy loved it. The ship scheduled the enrichment lecture at the same time and it was the only real activity of the day. There was very little to do after the exercise. We went to the “big” sale, nothing there. The we went to the lecture on the ports which turned into a commercial for the Effy stores. The only part that we heard about the ports was “ we have some interesting tours planned”. We did the waltz ballroom dance class and had the pub lunch.
Eating Noodles!
    Bravo production show was in the evening. We had seen it before. It was formal night with the waterfall followed by the Captain's speech. All activities were “planned” at the same time.
    The ship pushes the “medallion” system at every point. Gone are many things like an introduction of who the cruise staff are, activities that do not involve shopping, etc. For example formal nights in the past were really played up. Narry a mention. The production show ended after our dinner start time. The last was while e were eating. I hope that the time change as we go on.
     We did go to the comic and he was very funny! We had not seen him before. After, we managed a glass of champagne but missed most of the Captain's speech. Being formal night, chocolate journey was served for dessert. In all a good meal.
Halifax tour tomorrow.

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