Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Montevideo - Day 1

      We arrived in Montevideo Uruguay around noon today. The morning had the usual activities. However they planned 2 different activities in the same spot this morning. 
Zunba Time
Apparently they put out a Spanish list of activities as well as one in English. They forgot to compare the lists! We ended up with a 20 minute Zumba class and they canceled the line dancing class. I think the instructor did that as the room was basically clear by the appointed time came around. The result was that most of the morning was spent watching us come long side. The ship made a right hand turn at the end of the jetty to get to our berth. It was a very tight turn but the side thrusters help.
     After lunch we went ashore to walk the town. Since we missed the port yesterday, we are here until tomorrow night. Our tour is scheduled for tomorrow and we will be gone all day. We are headed to the “original” settlement of the area.
Buying A Braclet

The first thing you see as you leave the port is a range finder from the German pocket battleship Graf Spee. It was heavily damaged by the British and was scuttled by the Germans. As we walked the town, you had a very distinct feeling that you were in Spain.  Some of the street performers
Graf Spree Rangefinder
reminded us of La Rambla in Barcelona. Judy found a very nice bracelet to add to her collection of those items that seems to
Wine Man
grow with every cruise. We also encountered wedding at the local city hall (?).
     Once we returned, we finally had a chance to get in the pool. The cold weather was responsible for that. A Gaucho show, the Tango dance couple performance and dinner completed the day.

      The composition of the passengers is different from other cruises that we have taken. There is a very large group of Spanish speaking people which is to be expected considering we are in South America. The ages of the passengers is also quite different.
Street Performer
There are lots of young people (and some kids). It is summer here which probably explains it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the warm weather it's brutal here! Suppose to warm up to 29 on sat spring uh!
When do you get back??